Fertility: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

Fertility: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective

In Traditional Chinese Medicine difficulty conceiving can be attributed to an imbalance in the body. Acupuncture isn’t just about treating symptoms, but getting to the root cause and treating the imbalance. There are 3 Acupuncture meridians or channels primarily involved when treating fertility clients; Liver, Spleen, and Kidney.

Liver Channel: responsible for the smooth flow of energy and directing blood. Liver imbalances will show up as pain/cramping and emotional issues such as sadness or irritation.

Kidney Channel: The kidney channel is called the root of all organs and responsible for our life essence. It also produces menstrual blood and also responsible for the release of the ovum. Treating the kidney channel can restore and regulate hormone levels.

Spleen Channel: responsible for the providing an adequate supply and imbalance of blood. Menstrual difficulties and digestive issues are attributed to the spleen.

According to research Acupuncture helps to:

  • Decrease stress & anxiety. Reducing stress hormones is an important component to conceiving.

  • Increase blood flow to the uterus

  • Improves implantation in the uterine wall

  • Regulate hormones

  • Regulate menstrual system